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Student Internship Opportunities


In collaboration with Michigan Technological University and Henry Ford College, one of our goals is to build and expand a knowledgeable and diverse energy workforce pipeline, which educates and trains college-level students in energy, manufacturing, and related topics through a structured, hands-on educational program. This includes training more than 20 students per year, with a broader reach to much wider student body.

Apply via Handshake through the link below or submit your resume to

Apply on Handshake

What's involved in ITAC work?

  • Training in how energy consuming processes and equipment function and how to establish baseline energy usage from utility bills and perform energy, cost, and carbon savings calculations. Various opportunities for certifications and additional trainings are offered.
  • Leading and participating in sub teams each with a different scope of work, including research, equipment management, outreach, internal process improvements, and more. 
  • Attending and leading assessments: about 2 per semester per student, and many over the summer. 
  • Developing reports summarizing and quantifying identified energy saving opportunities for clients.
  • Collaboration and communication with clients to plan assessments and communicate findings.

What’s involved in an assessment?

  • Pre-Assessment: Meet with Key Plant Personnel to discuss areas to focus on
  • Assessment Day: Complete onsite visit to identify opportunities for energy efficiency, cost savings, and production optimization
  • Post-Assessment: Analyze data, collaborate with utilities for financing opportunities, create report on recommendations


  • Paid, hands-on experience
  • Leadership and mentorship opportunities and great resume builder
  • Work available during the school year and over the summer
  • Camaraderie development and collaboration with students, faculty, and clients with a wide variety of experience and skills.
  • Mentorship and training in energy efficiency, waste reduction, and assessments
  • Measured positive impact on small and medium-sized manufacturers and commercial buildings by reducing their carbon footprint and operational costs!
  • Travel throughout Michigan

Who are we looking for?

  • A diverse selection of majors
  • Open to learning new skills
  • Students as teachers/mentors
  • Motivated to help buildings reduce their carbon footprint
  • Problem-solvers
  • Web design and marketing
  • Strong communication skills


  • Multi-semester preferred (Spring-Summer-Fall 2022-2026)
  • 5-10 hours/week for Fall/Spring, ~40 hours/week for Summer
  • Assessments at commercial and industrial buildings
  • Report writing, training, mentorship, outreach, teamwork

Recruitment Flyer