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Expansion Program

The Industrial Training and Assessment Center (ITAC) Expansion program is a workforce development initiative designed to enhance the skills of individuals working in industries critical to energy production, efficiency, and innovation. The program focuses on providing training, assessments, and certifications in a variety of technical fields, often related to energy production, renewable energy, and energy efficiency technologies. 


Michigan State University and Workforce Development Insititute (WDI) are providing staff to serve as Field Managers and Technical Advisors to help the expansion programs onboard, provide answers and resources for frequently asked questions, as well as provide essential information about ITAC’s services, programs, policies, and the resources available to support program success. 


Currently, there are 23 expansion programs across the country. These programs consist of three (3) four-year institutions, fourteen (14) community colleges, and six (6) unions. More information can be found here:


Other helpful links:

SMM (manufacturer) Approval Form: 

SMM Services Report Submission:

Scorecard Submission Form (Quarterly):

Expansion ITAC Feedback Form: